Happy First Anniversary, Dalarnians!

It’s amazing that a full year has flown by since Mines of Dalarnia Mainnet was first released. Looking back, it’s been a year filled with both victories and challenges, each of which has contributed to our continued growth.
As we celebrate this remarkable milestone, let’s look back and have a quick recap of our history. From the game’s Version 2.0 Testnet to its evolved and current version, a lot of features and improvements have been implemented over the past year.
MoD V2.0 Testnet
On March 4th, 2022, we announced the launch of 2.0 Testnet and onboarded our first 200 users. Following this initial testnet phase, we conducted two additional testnet phases, where we continued to onboard more players and further refine the system.
Early feedback from testers was overwhelmingly positive, with many testers commenting on the dramatic jump in quality of both the graphic and sound design of the new version. Epic music, vibrant colors and more complex interaction with the environment all contributed to a Dalarnian world that is more immersive than ever.
MoD V2.0 Mainnet
Finally, on April 26th, 2022, the mainnet version of the game was made available for download from the Mines of Dalarnia website.
A lot of exciting in-game features were implemented then. These included the ability for miners to explore 3 different planets and 1 moon, as well as the availability of Mining Passes for in-game purchases. Players were also able to access four unique biomes, Terra, Jungle, Rock, and Crypt, at varying levels of difficulty. Crafting, collecting resources, and combining equipment were also made possible, providing even more ways to customize gameplay. Another notable feature was the introduction of in-game land, which allowed miners to rent their own land and use Terraforming Capsules to replenish depleted resources. An in-game DEX for buying and selling resources, catalysts, and terraforming capsules was also made available. Finally, miners could customize their characters with unique cosmetic holos, giving them even more control over their appearance in the game.
Throughout the past year since the Mines of Dalarnia Version 2.0 mainnet launch, numerous other features have been added to the game, and more will be continuously added in the future.
Gratitude to all our loyal community members and players
This celebration will be meaningless if we don’t express our utmost gratitude to all the fantastic people who have been with us since day one.
As a token of our gratitude, Mines of Dalarnia has created a one-of-a-kind Anniversary Holo suit, which will eventually be given away to our active miners who have been with us from the start. Look forward to further details that will be announced soon.

This exclusive Holo suit is a symbol of our commitment to our community and our desire to reward those who have been instrumental in making Mines of Dalarnia a success.
We hope that this gesture of appreciation will convey just how much we value our loyal players and their contributions to the Mines of Dalarnia community.
Update 1.3
As Update 1.3 is just around the corner, check out our new trailer for Update 1.3!
Showing our upcoming new features and improvements, including competitions and leaderboards through our new gameplay mode, Astrolab, and our first multiplayer minigame, Space Hop. Go watch it now!
Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to sharing many more exciting adventures with you in the future.
Visit our Website: https://www.minesofdalarnia.com/
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Twitter: twitter.com/MinesOfDalarnia
Twitch: twitch.tv/officialminesofdalarnia
Youtube: youtube.com/c/MinesofDalarnia
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mines-of-dalarnia/
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Discord: discord.gg/daropennetwork
Telegram: https://t.me/DarOpenNetwork