Mines of Dalarnia x CryptoJ AMA Recap (12/04/2022) Chinese & English Versions

Mines of Dalarnia
9 min readApr 20, 2022


Mines of Dalarnia x CryptoJ AMA Recap
  1. Time:4.12 20:00(UTC+8)
  2. Guest: Manfred - Mines of Dalarnia Project Lead
  3. Host:CryptoJ Lemon
  4. Topic:Mines of Dalarnia “Mainnet Call-Up — Get your weapons ready for a new adventure, mining rare resources on four planets” | Mines of Dalarnia 矿工主网召集令 — — 准备好武器迎接新冒险,开采四大行星稀有资源


GameFi、元宇宙市场在不断完善生态体系和持续扩充的用户基础之上依旧热度不减,Mines of Dalarnia 作为这一领域的代表项目之一,正在从 GameFi 入手打通用户参与的门户入口,以 Play to earn 的模式延展多种不同的游戏路线,并逐步成为迈向 Metaverse 的重要载体。

CryptoJ 在去年 10 月与 Mines of Dalarnia 的 Project Lead ,Manfred 在主题为《「矿工」冒险新宇宙 — — Mines of Dalarnia 带你征服未知,开采稀有资源》的 AMA 中,针对「游戏开发背景、融资与合作进展、GameFi 赛道发展前景、P2E 模式、NFT 资产元素、代币价值捕获、发展路线图」等多个话题展开了讨论。

另一方面,CryptoJ 曾在《Mines of Dalarnia 从元宇宙游戏第一站出发 — — 征服未知,探索资源》的文章介绍中更加详细的探讨了 Mines of Dalarnia 在元宇宙的发展框架下在 GameFi、SocialFi 和其他方面进行创新、发展和探索的可能方向。

时隔近半年时间,Mines of Dalarnia 世界中的游戏内经济体制进行了进一步的更迭与发展,与此同时,CryptoJ 注意到 Mines of Dalarnia 主网即将于 4 月 26 日上线,2022 年 4 月 12 日 CryptoJ 特别邀请到了Mines of Dalarnia 的 Project Lead ,Manfred pack 再次做客本期 AMA《Mines of Dalarnia 矿工主网召集令 — — 准备好武器迎接新冒险,开采四大行星稀有资源》,一起获取主网指南~

我是来自 CryptoJ 的 Lemon,很荣幸能担任本场的主持人。CryptoJ 是一家提供一站式服务解决方案的专业投资机构。 与加密世界的头部媒体、开发者社区、商业精英和金融机构建立了深厚的合作伙伴关系。



Telegram: https://t.me/CryptoJ_global




本次 AMA 会分为两个环节:

1) 嘉宾回答主持人提出的问题;

2) 嘉宾回答预先收集的由社区成员提出的问题。

The AMA will be separated into two parts:

1. Guests answer questions

2. Guests answer pre-collected questions from community members.

请大家在第一个环节中不要发言,下面,AMA 正式开始~

Please stay quiet during the first section,Now, let’s start!

问题一:欢迎 Manfred 再次来到 CryptoJ 举办的本场 AMA,距离上一场 AMA 过去了大约半年的时间,能否和我们分享一下这半年时间内 Mines of Dalarnia 最新的进展和动态,完成了哪些新的里程碑式成就?

Question1:Welcome Manfred to this AMA held by CryptoJ again, it’s been about 6 months since the last AMA, can you share with us the latest progress and developments of Mines of Dalarnia in these 6 months and what new milestones have been accomplished?


A lot has happened in the last 6 month. The most obvious accomplishments are our successful LAND sales as well as the BNB Chain testnet launch earlier last month. We have managed to create the core game we envisioned and to set up a game economy that will allow us to grow the game in terms of new content and features but also support a growing community. The next major Milestone is obviously our launch on mainnet by the 26th of April, which we are very excited about.

回答: 在过去6个月里发生了很多事情。最明显的成就是我们成功举办的的土地销售,以及上个月早些时候 BNB Chain 测试网的推出。我们已经成功创建了我们所设想的核心游戏,并创造了一个能够让我们在新内容和功能方面发展游戏的游戏经济,同时也支持一个不断增长的社区。下一个重要的里程碑显然是我们在 4 月 26 日推出的主网,我们对此感到非常兴奋。

问题二:我们看到 Mines of Dalarnia 2.0 测试网已经于 3 月初上线,随着测试网的深入,能否和我们分享一下自测试网上线至今的进程,用户和社区反馈如何?测试网的压力测试结果如何?

Question2:We saw that Mines of Dalarnia 2.0 testnet has been launched in early March. As we get deeper into the testnet, could you share with us the progress of the testnet so far?What is the feedback from users and the community? What was the result of the stress test of the test net?


Since the start of testnet we haven been gradually onboarding more and more players and also updated the game significantly. This includes bug fixes but also major feature updates such as bombs that can be used while mining and additional content for crafting. Our community was amazing during this time and helped us tremendously with feedback, suggestions and bug reports. Without that we would not be in the state we are today. Technically speaking, the stress test was successful. We did not encounter any major technical issues and have been able to properly test all features as we planned to.


问题三:在简单了解测试网之后,很多人也比较关心 Mines of Dalarnia 的主网进展,我们看到主网已暂定于 4 月 26 日上线,能否和我们多分享一些关于本次主网的细节?

Question3:After a brief look at the testnet, many people are also concerned about the progress of Mines of Dalarnia’s mainnet. We see that the main network is tentatively scheduled to launched on April 26th.Could you please share more details about the mainnet with us?


As you mentioned, our mainnet launch is scheduled for April 26th and we are on track. At the moment there is no reason for concerns regarding the launch as we have not encountered any deal breakers or critical issues. Our launch can be considered as phase 1 for Mines of Dalarnia. We have all the core features in place in terms of core game, meta game and game economy and will gradually add new content and features over time.

回答:正如你所提到的,我们的主网计划于4月26日推出,我们正在按计划进行。目前,我们没有担心关于(主网)上线的问题,因为我们没有遇到任何交易中断或其他关键问题。我们主网的推出可以被视为 Mines of Dalarnia 的第一阶段。我们在游戏核心、元宇宙游戏和游戏经济等方面已经具备了所有的核心功能,并将随着时间的推移逐步增加新的内容和功能。

问题四:在进入 Mines of Dalarnia 世界前,很多人被游戏世界背后的背景和独特的元素所吸引,比如「Terraforming Capsules(地球化胶囊)」、「Metagalactic Collective(超银河集体)」等,能否和我们聊一聊 Mines of Dalarnia 的背后生米的背景和游戏起源?

Question4:Before entering the world of Mines of Dalarnia, many people are attracted by the background and unique elements of the game world, such as “Terraforming Capsules” and “Metagalactic Collective”, could you tell us a little bit about the background of Mines of Dalarnia and the origin of the game?


The year is 11,752. The Metagalactic Collective rules most of the known systems.

One year prior, in 11,751, the “Onemind” A.I. revealed a revolutionary new technology: Terraforming Capsules.

These capsules cause a planet to spontaneously undergo millions of years of evolution in seconds. Even a barren asteroid will grow an atmosphere, a thriving ecosystem, and vast subterranean resources if bombarded by these mysterious burrowing machines.

The first couple of planets in a sector called Dalarnia have been chosen to undergo the first wave of terraforming experiments.

News quickly spread of boundless riches being unearthed on these strange new worlds. Any rumors of unexpected side effects, bizarre underground anomalies, or abominations in the deeps were quickly suppressed.

Travelers from across the Galaxy flocked to the newly terraformed planets, seeking their fortunes in a spacefaring goldrush.

As one of these hopeful miners, you have spent your life savings to travel to a moon on the outskirts of the sector.

回答:这一年是11752年。Metagalactic Collective(超银河集体)统治着大多数已知的星系。

一年前,即11751年,「Onemind 」人工智能揭示了一项革命性的新技术:「Terraforming Capsules(地球化胶囊)」。


在一个叫 Dalarnia 的区域,最初的几颗行星被选来进行第一波地球改造实验。




问题五:Mines of Dalarnia 世界中拥有 Luna Praxis、Terra Prime、Terra Simia 和Terra Caldera 四颗行星,每颗行星拥有不同的矿区,能否和我们详细介绍一些这四颗行星在矿区、位置、属性的区别?

Question5:Mines of Dalarnia’s world contains the four planets Luna Praxis, Terra Prime, Terra Simia and Terra Caldera, each with a different mining plot.Could you tell us more about the differences in mining plots, location and attributes of these four planets?


Luna Praxis, the free-to-play practice moon which contains only basic resources. All of the plots on this planet are publicly owned.

Terra Prime, the site of the first Terraforming Capsule deployment. A combination of public and private plots.

Terra Simia, the second Terraformed planet and the homeworld of Ape-like bipeds. A combination of public and private plots.

Terra Caldera, the third Terraformed planet, dominated by a massive crater-like structure. A combination of public and private plots.

While Luna Praxis only offers the most basic resources, Terra Prime, Terra Simia and Terra Caldera consist of mining plots that can offer all the resources miners could potentially find on Terra type planets. But in order to travel to those Terra planets, miners need a mining pass NFT.

回答:Luna Praxis,是一颗只包含基本资源,提供免费练习的月球,这颗星球上所有的土地都是公有的。

Terra Prime,第一颗地球改造太空舱的部署地点。公共土地和私有土地的组合。

Terra Simia,第二颗被地球改造的星球,也是猿类双足动物的家园。公共土地和私有土地的组合。

Terra Caldera,第三颗被改造的行星,由一个巨大的火山口状结构为主。公共土地和私有土地的组合。

虽然 Luna Praxis 只提供最基本的资源,但 Terra Prime、Terra Simia 和 Terra Caldera 由采矿区组成,可以提供矿工在 Terra 类行星上可能找到的所有资源。但为了前往这些Terra 星球,矿工需要一张采矿通行证NFT。

问题六:Mines of Dalarnia 在 3 月启动了主网上线前的最后一次土地出售,能否和我们分享一下此次拍卖的结果?除了此次拍卖的土地之外,Mines of Dalarnia 土地总量有多少,不同土地之间有什么区别?土地的深度系统是什么?

Question6:Mines of Dalarnia launched the last land sale before the mainnet launch in March, could you share with us the results of this auction? Besides the land sale, what is the total amount of Mines of Dalarnia land?what is the difference between different lands, and how do users get access to these lands apart from the auction?What is the The Depth System of the land?


We are quite happy with the results of the last LAND sale, which consisted of 2620 mining plots. Over 20.715 wallets participated in the draw and more than 14 million DAR had been staked.

In total there will be 5.200 mining plots at launch which includes public LAND and private LAND. While the LAND sales concluded, users can trade LAND on external marketplaces such as https://nftrade.com/assets/bsc/0x8815fae8feb5e1b2f8a6c7c948d9fd1866e07a4f and on the ingame marketplace which is one of our most important launch window features.

LANDs generate with resources tied to depths. Each resource has a drop amount and a range. Amount is the base multiplier on how much of that resource you get if you find it. A high Amount value means you are going to find a relatively large amount of that resource.

A high range means you might get a lot more, or a lot less. A low Range means the reward is more predictable.

Mining Plots have up to three depths. Higher Depths are more difficult to mine but offer more interesting and valuable resources.

回答:我们对上次出售的 2620 块矿区的结果感到非常满意。超过 20715个钱包参与了抽奖,超过 1400 万 DAR 被质押。

Mines of Dalarnia 总共会推出 5200 块矿区,其中包括公共矿区和私人矿区。在土地销售结束的同时,用户可以在外部市场上交易土地,如https://nftrade.com/assets/bsc/0x8815fae8feb5e1b2f8a6c7c948d9fd1866e07a4f 和游戏中的市场,这是我们启动的最重要的窗口功能之一。



问题七:Mines of Dalarnia 分为公共矿区和私人矿区,这两者之间有什么区别?能否和我们介绍一下矿区租赁系统?

Question7:Mines of Dalarnia is divided into public and private plots, what is the difference between these two? Can you tell us a little bit about the plot rental system?


Public Plots are owned by the game and offer players free to play access to the game. In general these plots offer only very basic resources so that players who want to progress and improve their experience will have to mine on private plots, which are player owned.

When starting a run on a private plot, players have to pay a DAR rent fee to the Land Owner. At launch of the game the rent fees will be pre-defined to establish a healthy game economy. Ultimately it is our plan to make the LAND Owner decide on his rent fees which we will include at a later date.


当玩家进入私人矿区上开始运行时,玩家必须向土地所有者支付 DAR 用做租金。在游戏启动时,租金将被预先定义,以建立一个健康的游戏经济。最终,计划让土地所有者决定他们的租金,我们将在以后加入(这一功能)。

问题八:Mines of Dalarnia 提供了两个角色:矿工和矿区土地所有者,两个角色之间有什么区别?不同角色之间的经济体制是如何设定的?

Question8:Mines of Dalarnia offers two roles: Miners and Mining Plot Owners, what is the difference between the two roles? How is the economy system set between the different roles?


Miners are focused on creating and improving their equipment by playing the mining game in order to gather resources. Mining options are limited by the average power level on the miner’s equipment, indicating their overall progress. This means miners have to gather a wide range of resources to improve their gear.

LAND owners offer their plots for rent to miners. They directly receive a rent fee from miners who dig on their LAND in the form of the game’s utility token $DAR.

However, as resources of a LAND deplete with each successful dig, land owners will have to manage their LAND by periodically terraforming it, replenishing its resources. In the future we will allow LAND owners to upgrade their land as well, unlocking new tiers of resources and exciting new content.

Both game roles are intertwined in the game economy. At launch miners do have to pay rent fees in order to progress while LAND owners will have to purchase terraforming capsules from miners in order to replenish their resources. Intertwining both game roles efficiently is very important for us and we will always keep that in mind with upcoming updates.


土地所有者将他们的土地出租给矿工。他们直接从挖地的矿工那里获得租金,其形式是游戏中的实用代币 $DAR。



问题九:Mines of Dalarnia 拥有不同的 NFT 类型,比如 Mining Ape NFT 、Robo Canary Genesis、Land NFT,能否和我们分享一下游戏生态内 NFT 的机制设定,如何获取这些NFT,具体有什么作用?

Question9:Mines of Dalarnia has different NFT types, such as Mining Ape NFT, Robo Canary Genesis and Land NFT. Can you share with us the mechanics of NFT within the game ecosystem? and how to get these NFT? What effect does it have?


Our Mining Ape NFTs can be considered like a membership pass for early supporters. Mining Ape holders will benefit in different ways moving forward. For example our 2nd LAND sale was exclusive for mining ape holders and we will have more announcements very soon.

Our Canar-es are not only collectibles but also in-game companions that help players navigate through mines and have unique skins based on the NFT the player holds.

In terms of LAND, I think we have discussed it in details but to sum it up: LAND is very much at the core of the game.

回答:我们的Mining Ape NFT 可以被视为早期支持者的会员通行证。Mining Ape 持有者将在未来以不同的方式受益。例如,我们的第二次土地销售只对 Mining Ape 持有人开发,我们将很快会公布更多的相关公告。

我们的 Canar-es 不仅是收藏品,也是游戏中的伙伴,可以帮助玩家在矿场中导航,并让持有 NFT 的玩家拥有独特的皮肤。


问题十:Mines of Dalarnia 为什么会选择基于 chromia 搭建?除了 BSC 之外,还会考虑其他公链吗?

Question10:Why did Mines of Dalarnia choose to build on Chromia? Will you consider other chains besides BSC?


Initially we built on Chromia due to that chain being on the few options for game developers when we started and their very user friendly single sign on wallet. Now that we launch on the BNB chain we also review other evm based options to make sure we can offer the best user experience.


问题十一:在主网上线后,Mines of Dalarnia 还有哪些规划?会有新的游戏人物、NFT 推出吗?会和其他项目合作发展吗?

Question11:What are the plans for Mines of Dalarnia after the mainnet launch? Will there be new characters, NFT? Will it be developed in collaboration with other projects?


Our post launch plans for 2022 are quite ambitious and focus on the following:

  • constant content updates for crafting, progression and LAND
  • new features for our core game and the map navigation
  • launch of social and multiplayer features
  • launch of a mobile companion app

We are also in discussions with other projects in terms of collaboration. And even though I can’t go into detail about that yet, please keep an eye on our social media channels. We should have an announcement soon.


  • 不断更新建造、进度和土地的内容
  • 为我们的核心游戏和地图导航提供新功能
  • 推出社交和多人游戏功能
  • 推出移动应用程序


Thank you for joining us!

Safe travels.

Visit our Website: https://www.minesofdalarnia.com/

Follow us on Social Media:

Twitter: twitter.com/MinesOfDalarnia
Twitch: twitch.tv/officialminesofdalarnia
Youtube: youtube.com/c/MinesofDalarnia
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mines-of-dalarnia/

Join our Community Channels:

Discord: discord.gg/daropennetwork
Telegram: https://t.me/DarOpenNetwork

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Mines of Dalarnia



Mines of Dalarnia

Official Medium account for Mines of Dalarnia. Mines of Dalarnia is a blockchain action-adventure platform-mining game with a unique real estate market.