Mines of Dalarnia: Land Tier List

As we have mentioned in our previous AMA session, we have some significant changes in store for our land system. And one of the changes is the newly introduced features called Golden and Silver Shards. While the details will be discussed after the Terraformed Economy update, we are very eager to share with you the already finalized part, which is the Land Tier List. 🌏
In Silver Shards events, you can participate in a substantial pool of DAR tokens. To enter them, you’ll need to accumulate enough shards (or, more literally, obtain a Silver Entry Ticket using Silver Shards). Acquiring these shards will require players to stake their lands, which offers three major advantages for the Dalarnia Ecosystem.
1. Now, all land holds value, even beyond the mining loop. This means that if you own multiple lands or if you choose not to replenish your land, you still have other options to increase its value.
2. This flexibility enables you to adapt to mining demand.
- During low demand, you can stake your land
- When demand is moderate and you own multiple lands, you can choose to have some staked and others actively replenished
- During high demand, you can keep all your land active.
3. This allows you to step away from your PC for any duration without leaving your land sitting idle
While the exact bonus ratios for higher-tier lands are not yet fully established, we can provide you with information about the tiers themselves and the logic behind them.
Introducing the Tier List System
Explaining Tiers
Before we dive deeper into the tier list system, let’s take a moment to understand it better and we want to stress that we will be referring here to depth 3 resources, as it was the most commonly used depth by our players.
Tier 1 (Best Tier):
Tier 1 is dedicated to lands that contain the combination of 4 Ozymodium and an amount of two other resources (on depth 3).
5 copper 2 Silver 4 Ozymodium
3 Iron 3 Silver 4 Ozymodium
Tier 2
Tier 2 includes lands that have 4 Ozymodium with one of the other resources, and all lands with 3 Ozymodium.
8 Copper 4 Ozymodium
4 Copper 4 Silver 3 Ozymodium
Tier 3
Tier 3 includes all lands that contain either 1 or 2 Ozymodium.
5 Iron 3 Silver 1 Ozymodium
3 Iron 2 Silver 2 Ozymodium
Tier 4
Tier 4 includes lands that have no Ozymodium but have all three other basic resources (Copper Iron AND Silver).
5 Copper 6 Iron 2 Silver
6 Copper 3 Iron 5 Silver
Tier 5
Tier 5 includes lands that do not have Ozymodium but feature Copper and only one of the other basic resources, either Iron or Silver.
7 Copper 7 Silver
10 Copper 3 Silver
A Bit About the Tier List
To create this tier list, we conducted a thorough analysis of various options.
Initially, we crunched numbers to determine the profitability of each land. This involved:
- Calculating the cost of replenishing 100 digs and determining the average value players could get from those 100 digs.
- Evaluating the profit landowners could make by renting out the digs at prices that would offer players approximately 25% to 50% discounts compared to DEX prices.
While this method is precise mathematically, it has a significant drawback: The ranking of each land changes depending on which DEX price data is used. Since we lack a fixed date for setting our rank, we realized this might not be the best approach. We explored three other profit-based ranking methods, but each had similar limitations.
This led us to the conclusion that an analytical, non-time-based approach was necessary to truly understand our lands. We experimented with various analytical configurations, adjusting different parameters like setting 3, 4, or 5 tiers, assigning different weightings to resources, and way more. We then compared these results to various indicators, including community sentiment, historical land values, and number of digs, to name a few.
Among all the options, the one we’re presenting stood out. It’s a 5-tier system that values not only Ozy but also the combination of multiple basic resources. This approach logically differentiates our lands with Ozy 4 and those with no Ozy based on the variety of basic resources they contain. For instance, it recognizes that lands with Ozy 4 + 1 resource have similar profitability and digging frequency to lands with Ozy 3 + 2 resources. A similar relationship exists between lands with Ozy 2 + 1 resource and Ozy 1 + 2 resources.
After extensive testing, simulations, and internal discussions weighing the pros and cons of potential solutions, we’re confident that our chosen method provides the best representation of our land ranking.
Later this week we’ll share with you a full list of land IDs and their respective tiers so you’ll be able to check out your lands directly from it.
Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to make progress on these developments.
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