Elite Equipment

Greetings, Miners!
Over the past several game updates, Mines of Dalarnia has released two batches of craftable Elite Equipment NFTs: Three Elite Swords and Two Elite Armors.
At Power Level 14 these special NFTs are not only the strongest items in the game right now, but each comes with a special permanent third perk in addition to the randomized, upgradable perks found on all MoD equipment.

Elite Perks
Jungle Gem Blade — Reflect 75% of damage taken
Cryptonite Blade — Recover 5% of Damage Dealt
Rocksidian Blade — After hitting an enemy twice, your third swing deals 50% extra damage and gains 20% further range
Elite Copper Armor — +5 Maximum bombs per run
Elite Iron Armor — Gain a defensive barrier after 10 successful mining hits

High Resource Value
This rare and valuable equipment requires large amounts of valuable resources, as well as collecting rare resources from the hardest content currently in the game: The Sunken Swamps. In the Swamps players participate in an alternate combat-based game mode against swarms of deadly hoppers deep below the surface of the Dalarnian planets.
Unique Style
Elite equipment has a unique in-game look that’s not shared by any other armor or items.
Upgradeable after v1.1
Shortly after the Version 1.1 : Deeper Depths update, which will add new tiers of higher Power Level items to MoD, all current Elite Equipment will be upgradable to a new higher Power Level as well via new crafting recipes.
Thank you for playing Mines of Dalarnia, see you in the mines!
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